Acupuncture |
Acupuncture is a powerful therapy that enhances the body’s natural healing system. Single use, hair-thin, surgical stainless steel needles are carefully placed to stimulate acupuncture points throughout the body to access a system of channels called meridians. Acupuncture point prescription is individualized to each clients' needs, addressing the underlying insufficiencies and stagnations that are causing the body's symptoms. Acupuncture balances the body's energy systems to generate its self healing capabilities. A treatment session produces instant results and is typically relaxing.
Manual Therapy |
Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) technique is a gentle hands-on soft tissue technique that is designed to identify and correct dysfunction in all of the body’s systems including the vascular, lymphatic, visceral, nervous and musculoskeletal systems. FCS embraces the concepts of holistic and osteopathic medicine in that it addresses the body as a whole not just the surface musculoskeletal presentation. By normalizing muscular tension, vascular drainage, blood flow, and neural input, FCS maximizes the body’s intrinsic ability to heal. Find out more at
Home Program |
As pain and adverse symptoms are reduced and alleviated with treatment within the clinic, exercise and lifestyle adjustments are necessary to realign the body's functional mobility, internal health and maintain gains made during each treatment session. An exercise program may include postural reeducation and stretching that is tailored to each clients' case. A lifestyle adjustment program may include ergonomic changes to workstation, changing eating habits, sleeping habits, and other identifiable dysfunctional patterns. A home program may be suggested to maintain health, mobility and prevent future re-injury. We can also refer out to other healthcare practitioners and specialists to address other aspects of the individual's health to create an integrative and comprehensive health team.
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